Do you like

Yes, I’m impressed with this site. Thank you especially for your company in bed. Rest assured that I have both feet in the real world; however, I’m not ready to date women again (I’m in my 50s). With the doll, I don’t feel alone. She was especially popular last Christmas. She helped me get through Christmas very well. She is a real beauty and exceeded all my expectations. Thank you all very much! I don’t regret my decision! Is It Worth the Investment?

Yes, it’s worth it. So, the first shopping trip through this site went like this: I changed my mind at least 50 times. I looked at everything from the cheap ones to the top ones. He was patient while I hesitated. While I was waiting, I kept thinking about what I was getting myself into when I ordered my first doll, and it made me a little nervous. Everything went smoothly and I was very happy. He is a great guy who really cares about his customers and will work with you to make sure you get what you want. I will be doing all my business through this site from now on.

Is reliable?

Yes, I trust them. This product was as fast as expected. The installation instructions and cleaning instructions were much appreciated. The quality is great and just as listed. The doll is beautiful and the seller gave me a very sexy dress just like the one in the picture. Bought the doll for my husband for fun. He was reluctant at first, but after I was out of town for a couple days, he agreed and tried it on. He had no complaints. Maybe we can try a threesome sometime, haha.

Do you like

Yes, the website is excellent! I purchased my doll in October. The customer service staff walked me through the entire purchase and delivery process, which was very easy. They answered all my questions and refunded the cost of an accessory after I quickly canceled my order. Everything I received was exactly as pictured. I am very pleased with the product. The dolls are beautiful, the molds are well detailed and feel great in my hands. I will be buying a second doll soon. Thank you very much!

Is reliable?

Yes, you can shop with confidence. She looks and feels exactly as advertised. The skin material is strong, very flexible and durable. Compared to the Fleshlight, it is a slightly sturdier material and feels very natural. The skeleton has a great range of motion. Customer service was proactive and very friendly. The package was discreet and on time. Assembly was very easy. Be sure to have baby powder on hand when it arrives. For the price, I am very pleased. Product Review

Yes, the doll is as expected and well worth the price. This product is great, but it’s also my first product so I have nothing else to compare it to other than the real thing. My only complaint is that I did not receive any pictures of the doll for review before it shipped. I bought this doll and she is the perfect size for me, I love the size and feel of the doll. If I were to buy another one, I would buy from this seller again.

Is recommended?

Yes, 100% recommend! Well, first of all the seller. The seller is superb !!!! After a month and a half of email inquiries, a mannequin caught my eye. Even longer if you count the time I inquired about this doll when they were listed ….. He kept in touch with me and gave me a great offer. I won’t go into it too much here. But my goodness he is honest in every way. His packaging was fantastic as well. He goes above and beyond all the makers, and anyone who’s hesitant, I’d say, go to this site and buy a doll, no one goes above and beyond like he does.